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Archive for the category “Manga Reviews”

L-DK – Manga Review

I’ve only just begun to realise how hard it is to blog. After the initial excitement, I’ve found that blogging takes up a lot of time. But you know what, I still want to try to keep going with this, and see how far I can go. So, here is another manga review.

Alright. L-DK by Watanabe Ayu is one of those typical shoujo mangas. Except it’s much much worse. It’s on the top of my ‘hate’ list at the moment, so reading this review would probably be quite funny since I’ll just be ranting on and on about how bad it is. Bear with me, and hopefully this review will make you never ever want to read this manga. I mean it. Stay away from it. It will rot your brain. Read more…

Keishichou Tokuhanka 007 – Manga Review

Keishichou Tokuhanka 007 – Fuyuki and Kuze

Despite its unpronounceable name, Keishichou Tokuhanka 007 is an amazing manga. The art is beautiful, the plot is great, and most importantly, unlike other shoujo mangas, the main character girl isn’t a useless, back-boneless sap (that’s a word right?) that cries over the main character guy all the time. However, I think it’s not too well-known yet, but hopefully its fan base will pick up, as it is really a brilliant manga. Read more…

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